Monday, May 23, 2011

32, and not a day over 21

I hear the excuses all the time.

"I'm too old"

"I'm too fat"

"I can't do that at my age"

And that's just from people my age.

I'm 32 years old. To place that number and the word "old" in the same sentence usually gets a chuckle out of people that are actually old, but I have to admit it crept up on me. I see a few more gray hairs on my head, and I get stiffer after tennis or basketball than I did at 17.

But that's where the "complaints" end.

When I was 17, I couldn't even touch the net on a basketball hoop. When I was 17, I was so awkward, I could twist my ankles eating cheerios. When I was 17, I was five years out of playing baseball because I couldn't hit anything over 50 mph.

Fifteen years later, I can run and touch the rim(eventually, I'd like to dunk the ball), I have a black belt, and I can hit a 90 mph fastball, and regularly. I also never acted in high school or college, yet ended up being a trained actor and director(Which is a sweet middle finger to the teacher that wouldn't put me in her acting class at Lee University because she thought I had no chance to succeed)

I'm admittedly tooting my own horn, but not for my own benefit. This is to show people that anything is possible. That's not saying that anyone that wants to start playing chess will be a guaranteed grandmaster, or that someone that starts piano is going to be at Carnegie Hall.

It just means that you can get as good at anything as your efforts take you. Watch any morbidly obese person that loses all that weight and ends up in marathons. Those stories are all over the internet.

So what are you waiting for? You aren't in a box yet, so go for it!

Life's too short to be mundane!

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